Plants and animals need food, water, shelter, and to reproduce for their populations to survive.
Each species has particular habitat needs. Animals and plants may also have social needs.
Here are some of the basic ingredients for a wildlife friendly garden. Your local council will be able to provide more details of the species and needs of your local plants and animals.
- Plant in layers (groundcover, low shrubs, medium shrubs, trees)
- Try to put elements like water, ponds, or mulch close to shelter and shrubs. The lawn is like ‘enemy territory’ that wildlife have to cross to get to safety.
- A mature tree, native to your area.
- Tree hollows.
- Dense shrubs (prickly will help keep cats away!) where birds can shelter.
- Cat-safe birdbaths.
- A frog-friendly pond (good for dragonflies too).
- A patch of natural mulch for beetles and worms.
- Nectar plants for honeyeaters.
- Spider-webs for birds to make nests.
- Butterfly hosting plants.
Use locally native species where you can. Your community nursery or council can help you to locate available plants.
Remove or do not plant environmental weeds that spread into bushland and degrade native plant communities. Your council or community nursery can help you learn what are environmental weeds in your area and how to manage and/or eradicate them to reduce their impact.