We promote the use of community-local government partnerships to co-design programs that meet the social and ecological needs and aspirations of their area.
By co-design we mean a collaborative activity where participants, community members and council staff, are recognised to have equivalent contribution rights and responsibilities in the design and development of a program. How these collaborations work varies from area to area.
We use the successful Knox Gardens for Wildlife program, and research* on its impact, as a model for partnerships to adapt to local circumstances. Five key program features motivated and supported residents to garden to foster the municipality’s local plants and animals.
Motivating garden visit
Where householders discover the wildlife and stewardship potential of their gardens.
Community indigenous plant nursery
A place to find plants, advice, and inspiring volunteers.
Learning by doing
Getting started, observing what happens, seeking new information, and adjusting our approach accordingly.
Visible involvement of Council and Community
Through garden visits, newsletters, events, and places to call or visit.
Endorsement of each garden’s potential conservation contribution
Celebrating how we all can make a difference.
*Reported in: Mumaw & Bekessy, 2017. Wildlife gardening for collaborative public-private biodiversity conservation. Australasian Journal of Environmental Management 24 (3): 242-260.